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Text File | 1996-08-23 | 43.7 KB | 1,015 lines |
- * Forwarded from "Fidonet UFO Conference"
- * Originally by Errol Bruce-knapp
- * Originally to All
- * Originally dated 23 Jul 1994, 11:30
- The following posts are the first three parts of 'The Carp Case',
- published in the March, May & July 1994 issues of
- All correspondence should be addressed to:
- Victor Lourenco - Provincial Director, MUFON Ontario
- 3058 Fifth Line W. #7
- Mississaugua, Ontario, L5L 5W4
- Canada.
- The Carp Case - The MUFON Ontario Version - Part 1.
- Tom Theofanous was an investigator with CUFORN, in Toronto, from
- 1987 to 1992. He and his wife, Lise, have been with MUFON Ontario
- since then. Tom is now Deputy Director of MUFON Ontario, in Toronto.
- This case has had much coverage in the media. Tabloid television
- shows like 'Unsolved Mysteries', 'Sightings' and 'Encounters' have
- given it much air-time, as have cable-tv stations all over North
- America.
- Internationally, magazines newspapers and news-letters have
- devoted hundreds of pages to it and UFO conferences around the planet
- have intrigued many thousands of attendees with it's seemingly
- startling details.
- 'Carp' has achieved 'One Of The Most Significant Cases In UFO
- History' status. You've probably heard, seen and read about it
- yourself.
- In this and succeeding issues we'll deal with the FACTS of the
- case. We'll describe the events, as told by the media and as we've
- experienced them - and we'll try not appear too judgemental.
- Beginnings - 1989
- Tom Theofanous, working with The Canadian UFO Research Network
- (CUFORN), received a package from someone calling themselves
- 'Guardian'. It had no return address.
- "The package contained a story about a UFO crash that supposedly
- happened close to Carlton Place, which is about a half-hour drive from
- Ottawa", Tom said. "There was also a photo-copied picture of an
- Alien."
- "For the most part, we thought it was a joke. But, CUFORN
- director Harry Tokarz decided to call Arthur Bray, a well-respected UFO
- author and researcher who lives in Ottawa, and ask him if he had
- someone in the Carlton area who could check out the story for us. As
- luck would have it, Arthur knew a fellow who was fascinated by the
- field of ufology, Graham Lightfoot."
- Graham, with what was to become typical thoroughness, used the
- somewhat sketchy co-ordinates he got from Arthur Bray to not only
- pinpoint the 'UFO crash-site' near Manion Corners, but also locate a
- number of witnesses.
- One of those witnesses, Diane Labanek, claimed that on the night
- of November 4th 1989, she saw an intense, bright light pass overhead,
- heading towards a swamp at the far end of the field behind and south of
- her home. She said she also saw several helicopters earlier that
- evening using bright lights to scan the area.
- Another West Carlton resident recalled that that was the weekend
- when some cattle escaped from a nearby pasture and that it took till
- late Sunday to round them up.
- A couple told Graham about the wife being scared by a very bright
- light shone through their south-facing bathroom window. "It reached
- right down our hallway!". The wife also mentioned that she vaguely
- remembered hearing the sound of helicopters at the time.
- Others talked of "dogs and cattle being disturbed".
- Many people could think of absolutely nothing unusual happening
- during the course of the weekend, including a couple who had a
- telescope set-up.
- Graham reported those findings to CUFORN, along with results of
- his examination of the field and swamp behind Labanek's home - there
- were no signs on the ground, anywhere, of the heavy equipment that
- would be needed to recover a 'crashed craft'.
- His report closed with, "although I could find nothing conclusive
- to support or disprove any of the witnesses claims. I shall check back
- around the area later this summer."
- The same Guardian material had been sent to several other
- investigators, researchers and UFO groups and as the story spread, both
- the former Provincial Director of MUFON Ontario Clive Nadin, and the
- current Quebec Director Christian Page, visited the area on separate
- occasions, and spoke to the 'witnesses'. They confirmed Graham
- Lightfoot's initial findings and agreed with Tom & Harry at CUFORN that
- someone was "trying to put us on - a hoax!"
- Guardian re-surfaces - 1991
- In the middle of October 1991 CUFORN began receiving more Guardian
- 'information' via the mail and all postmarked 'Ottawa'.
- An envelope with some documents that mention a 'conspiracy'
- between the Chinese and 'Grey Aliens that are planning to take over
- the world', arrived first. Then came a Polaroid photograph of a 'UFO'
- flying across an unidentified road. A while later came a black & white
- picture of a grey-type 'Alien'.
- The fourth delivery in the series was a package. It contained
- the now infamous VHS video tape with a green label on the cassette,
- with a thumb print and the word GUARDIAN printed on the label.
- There were also three playing cards in the package, all with hand
- written notes on them - an Ace, King and Joker.
- A photo-copied map showed the 'Grey's landing area', along with
- notes explaining that the flares in the video were used to help the
- UFO, which can out maneuver anything on the planet, fly under the
- radar and know where to land!
- There were also 'Canadian Department of National Defense
- documents' enclosed - which, upon later investigation, proved to be
- forgeries.
- These 'documents', it is thought, were designed to look like the
- official documents on UFOs that Canadian UFO author/researcher Stanton
- Friedman acquired, via 'The Freedom of Information Act', from the
- United States Government.
- The video - a few minutes long - showed two different angles of
- what Guardian alleges was an 'alien craft', on the ground.
- First, a long shot of bright lights clumped together to the right
- of the scene and what looked like four red emergency road flares or
- fires in barrels on the left side of the screen.
- The second scene showed the same clump of bright lights from
- approximately the same distance but more to the centre without any
- flares and the sound of a single dog barking in the distance.
- The third scene was only three frames long and was a close-up of a
- a pair of wipers half-way across a very Earth-bound vehicle!
- CUFORN pondered what to do with all the Guardian information that
- arrived in October of '91 and decided, that in view of the season -
- winter, that they would hold off visiting Carlton until after the
- spring run-off.
- Enter Oechsler
- At the beginning of March '92, Bob Oechsler (pronounced Bob Ex-ler)
- an American MUFON investigator - who describes himself a 'former NASA
- mission specialist' - called CUFORN from his home in Maryland.
- Apparently, he too had received a video and documents from
- Guardian, although when comparisons of the two videos were discussed,
- his had an additional scene - a somewhat closer one minute shot of the
- 'alien craft'.
- His version also had a couple of minutes worth of the windshield,
- plus several still shots of the 'Grey Aliens'.
- The most important difference, however, was that his version of
- the tape had no audio-track at all - "it seems it was intentionally
- removed", says Tom Theofanous.
- Oechsler had shown the tape to Bruce Macabbee and they agreed that
- what they saw was a UFO and should be investigated further - and that's
- why Oechsler called Tom at CUFORN. They agreed they would meet in
- Carlton, Ontario on May 10th 1992.
- Tom then called and spoke with Graham Lightfoot, for the first
- time, and Graham agreed to act as guide for the May meeting.
- It transpired that Graham worked for The O.F.A - The Ontario
- Federation of Agriculture - and knew the Carlton area and its farmers
- well.
- The First Visit
- On May 10th, Mother's Day, 1991, Torontonians, Tom & Lise
- Theofanous, Victor Lourenco, Vaughn [LAST NAME?], Drew Williamson,
- Harry Tokarz and Wayne St. John met with Oechsler, his son and Graham
- Lightfoot at the motel the Oechslers were staying at in West Carlton,
- near Ottawa, Ontario.
- They all had breakfast together as Oechsler told many, many
- fascinating stories. Eventually they ended up in Oechsler's motel
- room to compare their copies of the Guardian video.
- "Oechsler, despite being an expert in video analysis, had a great
- deal of difficulty connecting my video camera up to the tv set in his
- room so that we could play back the Guardian videos. In retrospect,
- his combination of technical ineptness and more story telling seemed to
- be a stalling tactic", said Tom.
- [continued]
- --
- Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- ======================================================================
- Inquiries regarding ParaNet, or mail directed to Michael Corbin, should
- be sent to: mcorbin@paranet.org. Or you can phone voice at 303-429-2654/
- Michael Corbin
- Director
- ParaNet Information Services
- >From alt.paranet.ufo Sun Aug 7 16:56:05 1994
- Path: canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca!tribune.usask.ca!decwrl!parc!barrnet.net!agate!news.ossi.com!news.fujitsu.com!amdahl!amd!netcomsv!scicom!paranet!p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
- From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Carp - Part 02/05
- Message-ID: <7801.2E42CC84@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
- Date: 5 Aug 94 23:10:00 GMT
- Sender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26)
- Organization: FidoNet node 1:104/428.0 - <ParaNet(sm) , Arvada CO
- Lines: 212
- * Forwarded from "Fidonet UFO Conference"
- * Originally by Errol Bruce-knapp
- * Originally to All
- * Originally dated 23 Jul 1994, 11:31
- [continues - post 02]
- They stopped at a spot off Highway 7 near Manion Corners and
- Graham pointed out the direction from which the 1989 'UFO' had come
- when it 'crashed', and where the Labanek's house was in relation to
- where the group was standing.
- Oechsler seemed to be stalling once more, shooting video of
- everything.
- Finally, they set off again.
- "This time Oechsler took the lead, with me following him and
- Graham who's supposed to be our guide following me!" Tom says. "I
- thought at the time that this was pretty odd. How did Oechsler, who
- supposedly had never been to Canada, let alone this area before, know
- his way, using side-roads and making the correct turns toward our
- destination?"
- Earlier, Oechsler had asked the Toronto group to check for
- anomalies on their compasses while they were driving, because the
- Guardian papers described magnetic changes in certain parts of the area
- the group was travelling in.
- "So, we're driving down a small hill when Oechsler braked suddenly
- up ahead of us, stopped and came back to our car to tell me that he had
- found an anomaly on his two compasses", Tom recounts, "now, he had both
- of his laying in the back of his pick-up on the metal floor where they
- were bouncing around. His son was keeping an eye on them from the
- cab. I told him that the three compasses, we were holding in the palms
- of our hands, in our car didn't waver at all. But, he insisted that
- he'd go back up the hill, by himself, and check again."
- While the rest of the group stood around waiting for Oechsler,
- Drew Williamson noticed a Stop-sign at the end of a long driveway
- leading to an abandoned farmhouse with a For-Sale sign on it.
- Tom continues - "I looked through my binoculars at the Stop-sign
- and saw that it was propped up by rocks. There were other signs
- around it that read 'Do Not Enter' and 'DND Killing Fields'. The last
- one had pictographs of tanks, helicopters and weapons on it and
- appeared to be riddled with bullet-holes.
- "So, out of curiosity, we went over to the signs and looked more
- closely."
- "We found tracks left by cars and what might have been four-
- wheeled vehicles, leading into the property. We felt that perhaps the
- field around the old farm house was being used for 'War Games' - or
- maybe even was the location used for the Guardian video."
- "Why? Because the terrain was perfect - lots (200 acres) of open
- field. I also noticed a dog barking up at the house at the top of the
- hill." said Tom.
- This would become significant later in identifying the possible
- location of the Guardian video shoot.
- "Eventually, we continued along Corkery Road. But, when I
- mentioned to Oechsler that we should be interviewing the people in the
- neighbourhood we were passing, who were out sitting in their front
- gardens or working on their lawns, he insisted that we look for the
- 'crash' or 'landing' sites."
- Guardian's map described an area about one and a quarter miles
- square, which consisted of dense, knee-high scrub, and wet, swampland.
- The group headed toward it, using a path beneath high-tension
- power transmission lines that cut across below the southern end of the
- Labanek's property.
- Most of them had great difficulty with the rough conditions and
- became very tired, annoyed by biting mosquitoes and soaked by the
- swampy ground. They gave about a half way into the swamp and headed
- back to the back to the parking lot.
- Tom picks up the story again: "Bob and his son continued to look
- for the landing site as the rest of us left the swamp in a couple of
- different groups. Lise, Drew, Wayne and I left first and drove off
- looking for a drink of cold pop."
- "When we got back to the parking lot twenty minutes later, the
- second group out had left a note on our windshield saying they'd meet
- us at a restaurant twenty minutes away in Carp. We left a note on the
- Oechsler's truck windshield telling them where we'd be.
- "The first of our group to arrive at the restaurant ordered their
- food and twenty minutes later the rest of us arrived and placed our
- orders."
- "Thirty minutes later, as Oechsler and his son were walking
- through the door, I jokingly said: I bet he'll say he found the spot!"
- "As he sat down, I asked him what had happened. He smiled and
- said he'd found the spot."
- "I asked how he'd managed to do that when we'd left him a about a
- mile from his car in a dense swamp halfway to the alleged site and it
- was getting dark. There simply hadn't been enough time to get there
- examine the 'site' and get back out to his truck and drive to the
- restaurant. He just smiled, but didn't answer."
- After they finished their dinner, Drew, Victor and Vaughn decided
- to leave for Toronto.
- Graham suggested that the remainder should go talk to the
- Labanek, and he and Harry left ahead of Tom & Lise and the Oechslers,
- since Oechsler senior was still eating. The seven of them would meet
- at the corner by the Labaneks.
- "Lise, Wayne and I confronted Oechsler out in the parking lot,
- where the three of us had gone to discuss the days events privately."
- "I asked him what he was trying to pull here. He responded by
- asking "what's wrong with trying to make a buck?", I answered that
- there was nothing wrong with making money as long as we didn't
- compromise our ethics."
- "Oechsler came back with: "No matter what or how good the story
- is, 50% of the people will believe you, 50% wont. All you have to
- care about is the 50% that will".
- "It was at that point", recalls Tom, "that I decided to back away
- from the investigation for a while to see what Oechsler would do."
- They joined the others at Manion Corner by the Labaneks house -
- Graham had knocked on their door but there was no one home. So, they
- waited, enjoying a pleasant early summer evening, talking.
- The Labaneks didn't get home till after 10 p.m, which the group
- felt was late to do an interview. Graham and Oechsler would come back
- the next morning and talk to them
- Tom finishes up this part of the story: "I told Graham about the
- conversation that I had in the parking lot of the restaurant with
- Oechsler, after he left the restaurant. Then Lise, Harry, Wayne and I
- left for Toronto, shaking our heads."
- End of Part One.
- The Carp Case - The MUFON Ontario Version - Part 2.***
- *The following morning, Graham Lightfoot, Oechsler and his son met
- and drove to the Labanek's home at Manion Corners near Carp, Ontario.
- Graham reintroduced himself and asked Diane Labanek if she remembered
- him. "Vaguely" she said, and then remembered their conversation about
- a bright light that had headed towards the swamp at the bottom of her
- field back in 1990.
- *When asked if she had seen anything strange since then, she
- described an event that happened in their field. It seems she was
- putting her children to bed one night in August 1991 and something
- caught here eye from the second floor bedroom.
- *Labanek described seeing what she thought was a fire, or perhaps
- flares burning at the far end of the field behind the house and as she
- watched, a 'craft' landed next to the fire/flares. "After a few
- minutes, maybe five or eight, the very bright lights on the craft went
- out - just like you turn off a light-bulb. And soon after, the flares
- went out. Then some minutes later, a helicopter came and hovered over
- the area - like they were looking for something" she said.
- *When she was asked later why she hadn't called the fire
- department about a 'fire' burning in her field, which was tinder dry
- in the August heat, she replied "I didn't think that anyone would
- believe and I thought I'd get into trouble!"
- *On Oechsler's next visit to the Labanek's, she was asked to draw
- what she had seen. She drew a craft that she described as being
- silver/grey, with a zigzag design around it, sitting on three blocks
- which, coincidently, matched a drawing that was in one of the Guardian
- packages (see MUFON Ontario Newsletter, Volume 1.1, page 14) - a
- drawing that she maintained she'd never seen.
- *Labanek was able to see an object and details that were over 2200
- feet away in the dark and brightly lit from the bottom up. Guardian's
- video camera, which was closer, couldn't see the 'thunderbolt
- insignia' around the 'craft' or the three 'blocks' beneath the craft.
- The video clearly shows the 'craft' to be red and not silver/grey.
- *In the version of Guardians video that was sent to CUFORN, the
- Canadian UFO Research Network, the last three frames show a windshield
- with the wiper blades in an upright position. Why would Guardian put
- those frames that appear to have been shot at night with artificial
- light, on the tape? Were those frames designed to give a clue as to
- what the craft really was?
- [continued]
- --
- Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- ======================================================================
- Inquiries regarding ParaNet, or mail directed to Michael Corbin, should
- be sent to: mcorbin@paranet.org. Or you can phone voice at 303-429-2654/
- Michael Corbin
- Director
- ParaNet Information Services
- >From alt.paranet.ufo Sun Aug 7 16:56:05 1994
- Path: canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca!tribune.usask.ca!decwrl!parc!barrnet.net!agate!news.ossi.com!news.fujitsu.com!amdahl!amd!netcomsv!scicom!paranet!p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
- From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Carp - Part 03/05
- Message-ID: <7802.2E42CC84@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
- Date: 5 Aug 94 23:10:00 GMT
- Sender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26)
- Organization: FidoNet node 1:104/428.0 - <ParaNet(sm) , Arvada CO
- Lines: 211
- * Forwarded from "Fidonet UFO Conference"
- * Originally by Errol Bruce-knapp
- * Originally to All
- * Originally dated 23 Jul 1994, 11:33
- [continues - post 03]
- *In the course of one of many discussions between the
- investigators, Tom Theofanous asked Oechsler what he thought about the
- windshield footage on Guardian's video. Oechsler replied that it
- wasn't a windshield but rather the design on the side of the 'craft'.
- Tom asked how he'd come to that conclusion? Oechsler replied "Well
- there's Diane's evidence together with my expertise in analysis -
- that's how."
- *Oechsler had once again brought up his 'qualifications and
- expertise', which he seemingly did and still does at the drop of a
- hat. Unfortunately, Oechsler's qualifications on the subject of
- windshields were definitely non-existent when compared to Tom's - he's
- been running a windshield repair company for the past seven years!
- *
- *Oechsler and Graham went out to the field after their first talk
- with Diane Labanek. The previous night, at a restaurant, Oechsler had
- claimed that he had found the 'landing site' and now insisted that
- they look for 'evidence'. He spotted an area of grass that had been
- "dug up during the landing". Graham, who works for the Ontario
- Federation of Agriculture, patiently explained that skunks caused that
- kind of damage while looking for grubs.
- *Oechsler's biography touts his experience in dealing with the UFO
- phenomenon and his expertise in 'field work', an expertise not on
- display that day. "He seemed not to know what he was looking for or
- anything much about country nature" Graham observed later.
- *Oechsler's inexperience continued to make to show as he pointed
- to vegetation that had "been treated with microwave radiation"! How
- did he come to that conclusion without using any instruments? "It's
- very dry and brittle, so it's obviously been irradiated" Oechsler
- said.
- *
- *The 'irradiated' plants were Juniper bushes that always look that
- way after a Canadian winter - bleached, dried and flattened by heavy
- snow, probably in much the same way as in Maryland, Oechsler's
- home-state .
- *Graham and Oechsler continued to examine what Oechsler was
- convinced was the landing site. He then asked Graham if he had
- anything to put samples in. Graham thought that it was extremely odd
- that an investigator of Oechsler's 'calibre' would show up with no
- sample containers and handed over some empty film canisters for
- Oechsler's samples.
- *On returning to Labanek's house later that day, Labanek told them
- that her husband Bill had "gone for milk" at around 10:00pm on the
- evening of the 'landing' and had missed it. Bill Labanek had been
- doing a 'milk-run' on the night in 1989 when there had been a 'crash'
- in their swamp.
- *He didn't seem to be at all concerned about what had transpired
- on his property on either occasion. He didn't bother to take the time
- to go look at the spot which his wife said had been a 'UFO landing
- site'.
- *Diane Labanek claims to have gone only part way into the field
- the day after the 'landing', looked briefly in the direction of the
- 'landing site', didn't see anything, and walked back to the house.
- *She had told no one about what she saw that night until Graham
- and Oechsler asked her about it.
- *Why didn't she walk the remaining couple of hundred yards to where
- this 'amazing event' took place? She says that it was a beautiful
- summer evening too.
- *That evening Graham called Tom in Toronto and recounted the days
- events. They discussed Oechsler and his amateurish approach to the
- investigation and observed that a pattern seemed to be emerging. It
- seemed that Oechsler was incompetent, egocentric and attempting to
- steer the case and its facts to fit in with his own agenda.
- *As a follow-up to Diane Labanek's assertions about helicopter
- activity following the 'landing', Investigator Drew Williamson called
- the Department of National Defence (DND) on May 12, 1992. He was told
- that the military held exercises every August using helicopters and
- that they had to get permission from landowners for the choppers to
- land in their fields. If an emergency were to arise and a helicopter
- had to land DND would pay compensation for any damage caused.
- *On July 12, 1992, Graham made a number of calls to various
- military establishments to get information on helicopter activity. He
- was told that they don't use flares during landings at night, but do
- use Chem-Sticks that glow in the dark. Captain Mark Bigoutte said
- that although choppers were on exercise on August 19, 1991, they were
- many miles to the west of Manion Corners.
- ** ***
- *On July 14, 1992 Oechsler arrived back at Graham's place and the
- next day they went to Uplands Royal Canadian Airforce base and showed
- Colonel Cajo Brando and Major Norm Patterson the Guardian video - over
- and over.
- *Colonel Brando didn't think it was a helicopter and when shown a
- photograph taken by one of the Labanek children of a Huey Helicopter
- that Diane Labanek maintained had 'buzzed' their home after the
- 'landing', he said, "It's not one ours, they were decommissioned
- (taken out of active-service) two years ago."
- *Brando suggested that it may have been an American chopper that
- had come across the border without notifying Canadian authorities -
- something which, apparently, happens often.
- *Later that day, Graham and Oechsler returned to the Labanek's and
- collected some fifteen soil and plant samples from the supposed
- 'landing' site. On a radio call-in show, March 30th '93, Oechsler
- claimed to have collected "over a hundred samples from all over the
- area"!
- *Oechsler, in a conversation with Graham and Tom expressed
- interest in getting the case on the 'Unsolved Mysteries' tv show,
- feeling that it might flush Guardian out. Tom countered that it
- might be better to further investigate the claims of the 'witnesses'
- before giving the case national tv exposure.
- *What neither Tom nor Graham knew at the time, was that Oechsler
- had already gone ahead and made a deal with Unsolved Mysteries to
- shoot a segment on the Carp Case in the fall.
- ***
- *In the following three months preparations were made for the
- shooting of the 'Unsolved' segment with Graham received many calls from
- and eventually met the tv show's Bob Kiviat and Bob Wise.
- ****
- *Oechsler flew into Ottawa in mid October 1992 with the 'Unsolved'
- crew and interviewed Major Patterson about the Guardian 'Documents'.
- *Graham, feeling as he did about Oechsler's 'slant' on the case
- was very reluctant to appear on the show and it took many calls from
- various production people to eventually talk him into appearing.
- *On November 15, 1992 participants in the Carp segment gathered at
- General Assembly for the taping. Graham met Bruce Macabbee for the
- first time and, to use his words, "was not very impressed." He put
- his contribution 'in the can' the next day at the Labanek's.
- *In the course of a meeting on November 19, 1992 Graham learned
- that a man named Andy Williams claimed that he knew who Guardian was.
- Graham and Oechsler arranged to meet with Williams the next day in
- Ottawa. Andy Williams explained that a friend of many years, Bobby
- Charlebois, had an on-going interest in UFOs and had called himself
- 'Guardian' over the course of those years. He went on to give
- details about Bobby Charlebois and his 'interests'.
- *Oechsler, inexplicably, gave Andy Williams much material
- regarding the Carp case.
- *On November 22nd, Graham discovered that a co-worker knew Bobby
- Charlebois well - his sister, Meg had dated the Guardian 'suspect'.
- Graham talked with Meg and she confirmed that Charlebois was an avid
- UFO buff and had discussed the phenomenon on many occasions in the
- past.
- *Despite having signed an 'exclusive' with Unsolved Mysteries to
- not do another show until 30 days after their 'airing' of the Carp
- Case, Oechsler records a segment for 'Sightings' in January of 1993
- without telling Graham until after the fact.
- *Interestingly, Dr. A.J. Quarington a 'witness' participates in
- 'Sightings' after refusing meet or even discuss the case with Graham
- and Clive Nadin (the former Director of MUFON Ontario) in the early
- stages of the investigation.
- *On February 1, 1993 Oechsler and Graham meet with reporter Lois
- Tuffin, who also knows Bobby Charlebois well. Oechsler asked her to
- deliver a large package of UFO material to Charlebois in the hopes of
- getting his fingerprints. She did so, but the package was returned to
- her an hour later.
- *The following day Oechsler collected the package from Lois and
- took it to the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) to have it checked for
- fingerprints. There were none and the feeling was that Charlebois had
- out-smarted them, wiping the package clean. It seems that Charlebois
- has something to hide.
- [continued]
- --
- Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- ======================================================================
- Inquiries regarding ParaNet, or mail directed to Michael Corbin, should
- be sent to: mcorbin@paranet.org. Or you can phone voice at 303-429-2654/
- Michael Corbin
- Director
- ParaNet Information Services
- >From alt.paranet.ufo Sun Aug 7 16:56:05 1994
- Path: canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca!tribune.usask.ca!decwrl!parc!barrnet.net!agate!news.ossi.com!news.fujitsu.com!amdahl!amd!netcomsv!scicom!paranet!p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
- From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Carp - Part 04/05
- Message-ID: <7803.2E42CC84@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
- Date: 5 Aug 94 23:10:00 GMT
- Sender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26)
- Organization: FidoNet node 1:104/428.0 - <ParaNet(sm) , Arvada CO
- Lines: 211
- * Forwarded from "Fidonet UFO Conference"
- * Originally by Errol Bruce-knapp
- * Originally to All
- * Originally dated 23 Jul 1994, 11:35
- [continues - post 04]
- *Diane Labanek, on hearing Bobby Charlebois name said that she had
- known him "for a while" and that he was a good friend who visited
- often.
- *Oechsler asked her to try and get Charlebois' fingerprints from
- any drinking glasses that he might use. Labanek claimed that
- Charlebois always wiped them clean.
- End of Part Two.
- The Carp Case - The MUFON Ontario Version - Part 3.
- ****
- *On February 4, 1993 Graham and Oechsler went to the Labanek's
- where Leanne Cuzak interviewed Bob Oechsler and Diane Labanek for
- CJOH-TV, Ottawa.
- *During this interview Labanek claimed that "a lot of others had
- seen the event that had transpired in my field". She didn't, however,
- seem to recall any names and in talking to many residents in the
- Manion Corner area, MUFON Ontario has not been able to find any other
- witnesses to the 'UFO Landing'.
- *During the CJOH-TV interview that day Oechsler also claimed that
- he too had received a large number of calls from 'witnesses'. Graham
- wasn't aware of any calls to the Labanek's or anywhere else other than
- a few to Oechsler's hotel.
- *Later that day, Graham Lightfoot and Oechsler met with a couple
- of high school girls in Almonte, a short drive from the Labanek's.
- They had called the Unsolved Mysteries Hotline, which again Graham
- wasn't aware of, to report that they knew who Guardian was. The name
- they gave wasn't Charlebois'. Oechsler told them who Guardian was.
- Oechsler, despite avowing not to, was blowing Guardian's cover'.
- *On February 24, 1993, Labanek told Graham and Oechsler about a
- sighting that her mother had the previous week. Her mother had seen a
- 'craft' hovering "not fifty feet from the house" but was too scared at
- the time to call out to anybody.
- *Later Labanek claimed that her husband saw a 'craft' around the
- same spot as the August '91 sighting. There were no explanations as
- to when or if there were any traces of this second 'landing'.
- *Apparently, neither of these 'incidents' were of interest to
- Oechsler and he has only mentioned them very briefly since and only in
- passing!
- *If these two events were 'real' why wouldn't he have investigated
- them too, instead of making such a fuss about the 'evidence' that he'd
- found nine months after the August '91 'landing'? Labanek's mother's
- and husband's 'experiences' would have surely produced more witnesses
- and ground effects?!
- *Labanek has constantly complained about being harassed by
- 'low-flying' helicopters that blew shingles off her roof. When close
- neighbours were questioned by MUFON Ontario investigators about any
- low-flying choppers they might have observed, they only mentioned the
- regular Air Ambulance flights that passed overhead and the occasional
- military or Mountie aircraft. Not one mentioned choppers flying at
- unusually low altitudes - below the regulation five-hundred feet.
- *At the time of describing her mother's 'sighting' to Graham and
- Oechsler, Labanek told of a white helicopter that passed over the
- house the following day. Subsequent investigation showed that it was
- a NATO aircraft on a training-exercise and that it too would not have
- been flying below the standard five-hundred foot level.
- *Due to the proximity of the Labanek's neighbours it would be
- impossible for a helicopter to fly low enough to blow the shingles off
- one house and not be noticed by the residents of neighbouring houses.
- *Labanek had told Graham that she knew nothing about UFOs, nor did
- she care about them or talk about them with anyone. And yet, when the
- Unsolved Mysteries show was being taped at her home, one of the
- 'grips' on the crew setting up a scene (in which Guardian was mailing
- a video) in Labanek's basement recreation room, found "cupboards
- containing many UFO books".
- *On February 28, 1993 Graham wrote the following to Bob Kiviat,
- *producer of the Unexplained Mysteries segment on 'Guardian'.
- *
- *
- **Bob Kiviat, Producer
- **Cosgrove/ Meurer Productions
- *etc.
- *Dear Bob,
- **No doubt you've heard from Oechsler that there has been
- *another sighting at Labanek's... on Feb 17th '93. It was
- *Diane's mother who saw the event at 11:10 pm, very close to
- *the house. She was so frightened that she didn't call to
- *Diane and no one else saw it. She said the craft was right
- *over the garden which means it was within 50 feet of the
- *house. It hovered there for a short while and moved south
- *over the swamp, in the direction that the 1989 'crash' light
- *was seen. It came back beside the house and then moved off
- *out of sight over the swamp. She described it as having a
- *flashing light on top and lots of light all around it. She
- *pulled the curtains from the window, but didn't wake anyone
- *else in the house. The next day a white helicopter arrived
- *and flew over the same course.
- **Oechsler may or may not have told you he is working
- *with the RCMP in trying to get Guardian's (Bobby
- *Charlesbois) fingerprints. He tells me he is trying to get
- *the RCMP to charge Bobby with a minor charge of forging DND
- *documents to scare him into an admission. This is contrary
- *to Oechsler's stated intent to Bobby, of not disclosing
- *Bobby's identity if he wished to remain anonymous.
- *
- **I am trusting you to keep my comments to you in
- **confidence from Oechsler as I will no doubt be working with
- **him again on this case. I have no problem working with him
- **at arms length, but his methods and rather chaotic behavior
- **bothers me. He has told me that he wants to set up a
- **24-hours a day, two week watch at the the Labanek's since he
- **feels the sightings will re-occur in the near future. He
- **has no funding for this operation and told me he will seek
- **help from your company in this regard.
- *
- * **This may all be a good idea, but my feeling is that
- **these things will run their course, with or without 24-hour
- **surveillance. In fact I'd hazard a guess that the event is
- **less likely to occur with surveillance.
- *
- ***I've heard through the grapevine that the 'expert' on
- **the Sightings show claims he doesn't know who Oechsler is,
- **never met him. It seems Sightings showed the tape to this
- **'expert' and he said he didn't know what it was. Also
- **MUFON is distancing itself from Oechsler after their
- **credibility suffered with the Gulf Breeze story. It seems
- **Oechsler wants to speak at their annual meeting and they
- **don't want him there.
- *
- ***Oechsler has a lot of background information and he
- **certainly has a lot of contacts that are invaluable in doing
- **research of this nature. He is persistent in looking for
- **evidence, yet at the same time he often tries to build a
- **case to fit his preconceived story line.
- *
- ***This bothers me.
- **
- ***We have talked about his ego and wanting credit for
- **everything he learns. That's OK by me. In the Labanek
- **case he used a lot of material that I got for him. The show
- **implied that he found Labanek's place from the Guardian map.
- **He could have spent weeks looking for the location on his
- **own.
- *
- ***But what bothers me the most is his tunnel vision, that
- **only he can find the answers.
- *
- ******- Graham Lightfoot
- *
- *On March 4, '93, Oechsler phoned Graham to boast that he had
- asked the RCMP to apply pressure the Guardian suspect, Bobby
- Charlebois, by charging him with forging Department of National
- Defence documents.
- *In actual fact, the only way the RCMP would have paid any
- attention would have been if a formal complaint was filed by a
- Canadian Citizen.
- *What Oechsler didn't tell Graham was that a complaint was lodged
- by the Labaneks who told the RCMP that they were being 'harassed' by
- helicopters flying over their property, below the 500 feet minimum set
- by the Federal Government.
- *March 8, brought a call from Labanek to Graham. She complained
- about being 'harassed' by the RCMP. She said that they tried to get
- her to sign a 'confession' ( her word ) that craft she saw landing in
- her field on the night of August 18, 1991 was a helicopter! She
- also claimed that Bobby 'Guardian' Charlebois was also being
- 'harassed' by the Mounties and had hired a lawyer.
- *Graham, at the time, was convinced that Labanek was telling the
- truth and felt that something should be done about her complaints. He
- called Charlie Greenwell at CJOH-TV in Ottawa and suggested that
- perhaps the station could cover the story on their local news. A
- report aired three days later on the 6 O'clock News.
- *CJOH-TV's news item infuriated Oechsler. On March 29, he blasted
- Graham for giving the story to a TV station. This puzzled Graham -
- why would Oechsler take exception to him helping Labanek expose RCMP
- harassment?
- [continued]
- --
- Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- ======================================================================
- Inquiries regarding ParaNet, or mail directed to Michael Corbin, should
- be sent to: mcorbin@paranet.org. Or you can phone voice at 303-429-2654/
- Michael Corbin
- Director
- ParaNet Information Services
- >From alt.paranet.ufo Sun Aug 7 16:56:05 1994
- Path: canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca!tribune.usask.ca!decwrl!parc!barrnet.net!agate!news.ossi.com!news.fujitsu.com!amdahl!amd!netcomsv!scicom!paranet!p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
- From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Carp - Part 05/05
- Message-ID: <7804.2E42CC85@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
- Date: 5 Aug 94 23:10:00 GMT
- Sender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26)
- Organization: FidoNet node 1:104/428.0 - <ParaNet(sm) , Arvada CO
- Lines: 117
- * Forwarded from "Fidonet UFO Conference"
- * Originally by Errol Bruce-knapp
- * Originally to All
- * Originally dated 23 Jul 1994, 11:37
- U
- [continues - post 05]
- *What Graham didn't know was that the complaint to the Mounties
- was lodged by the Labaneks, apparently at the urging of Oechsler, to
- increase the credibility of the Carp Case.
- *
- A censored copy of the RCMP report on the case, obtained by
- Christian Page of The Mutual UFO Network (MufoN) in Quebec, told a
- different story.
- *The Labanek's complaint was actually filed with the RCMP on
- February 10, 1993! The purpose of the investigation was to:
- [Quote from RCMP Report ]
- *1.*ascertain if sufficient evidence was available to support a
- **prosecution under the Aeronautics Act, Section 534 (2) (b)
- **for flying below 500 feet
- *
- *2. *ascertain if in fact the object observed was an aircraft
- *
- *3.*ascertain if the craft observed (by complainant) is a UFO
- **(as per complainant).
- [End Quote]
- *The investigation by RCMP Constable De Haitre, started on
- February 15, 1993 with interviews of the Labanek's neighbours.
- *De Haitre found that signs bearing the words 'Defence Canada',
- 'Killing Fields', and a 'Test Area' sign with a hand-painted tank and
- 'Air-Wolf' helicopter on it had been seen in a field that later proved
- to be owned by the Labanek's. Const. De Haitre observed in his report
- that the lettering-style on the signs was similar to those in the
- Guardian documents.
- *Constable De Haitre was told by one of the Labaneks neighbours
- that another sign had the word 'Nuclear' mis-spelled as 'Nucleear'.
- *Oechsler then directed his energies toward De Haitre and Canadian
- Airforce Major Patterson - which created more confusion.
- *Oechsler told Constable De Haitre about finding Titanium at the
- 'landing site' in the Labanek's field and showed him some of the
- photographs that he had taken. He also told De Haitre that there were
- no traces of Strontium, which there would have been had the flares at
- the 'site' been of the military 'high-heat', type.
- *Later, in the February/March issue of UFO Library Magazine,
- Oechsler wrote that he "had the smoking-gun in the pyrotechnical
- mystery". He now claimed that there was evidence of Lithium Carbonate
- which is not used in military flares, but rather in "expensive
- fireworks displays" (or perhaps in roadside emergency flares?).
- Fireworks that, of course, can be purchased at any 7-11 Store.
- *Isn't it strange that he would wait a whole year to tell the
- world the results of his 'tests'?
- *Oechsler had results of a test that refuted his completely baseless
- theory about military flares being used at the Carp 'landing site' and
- didn't publish them for over a year?
- *And what did he do during that time? He travelled the lecture
- circuit making money telling people that the flares were definitely
- military in origin because of the strontium residue that he didn't
- find at the 'landing site'!
- *Oechsler tried to cement his relationship with the RCMP. He told
- Constable De Haitre about his 'witnesses' and his 'analysis' of the
- Guardian video and suggested that Bobby 'Guardian' Charlebois be
- charged under the 'Fraudulent Cheque Act' for distributing forged
- Government documents (the 'Canadian Department of National Defence'
- documents). De Haitre concluded that no charges could be laid.
- *De Haitre investigated Oechsler's claims about Titanium and
- Strontium flare-residue and included the results about the
- circumstances under which they could and could not be found and where,
- in the final RCMP report on the case.
- * Several conversations and correspondence occurred between
- Oechsler and Constable De Haitre, all of which the Mountie,
- naturally, recorded in his notes on the case.
- *MUFON Ontario has recently acquired a 150 page package of De
- Haitre's notes and correspondence from Oechsler to the RCMP. This
- package will be published shortly, as an appendix, in The MUFON
- Ontario Report on The Guardian Case.
- *
- End of Part 3.
- *
- _____________________
- I apologise for any confusion created by the Part/Post numbers - it's
- the fuzzy Saturday Morning Syndrome!
- Errol.
- --
- Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- ======================================================================
- Inquiries regarding ParaNet, or mail directed to Michael Corbin, should
- be sent to: mcorbin@paranet.org. Or you can phone voice at 303-429-2654/
- Michael Corbin
- Director
- ParaNet Information Services